She / Her
Java Player
Organic Builder
Resource Pack Artist

Clueless Craft is the Minecraft development team I've found myself co-founder of. Check out our resource packs, servers, modpacks, and more!

My Minecraft Building Must-Haves

  • Clueless Craft CIT -- The very best CIT pack! Has every CIT I could need (or I just add it :P)

  • Astralex Shaders -- Great everyday shaders compatible with tons of mods!

  • Mizuno's 16 and CIT packs -- I've been using these packs since 1.12.

  • Optifine -- Required to use CIT and a few other special resource pack features.

  • Chisels & Bits -- Add 256x the detail to your builds! Easily the best modern forge mod for building.

Sorry, come back later!

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wow, you're awesome!

    Explore My Card

    Hey, I'm Kchem, I'm a biochem major who plays and streams Minecraft, and occasionally makes game assets.
    Co-founder of Clueless Craft, a Minecraft development team.
    One half of Reckworks, where I and my partner learn GoDot by participating in game jams.
    Lover of cottagecore, mushrooms, stardew valley, pokemon, LGBT rights and modding!

    πŸ”΄ Buildtober!πŸ”΄
    I'll be taking part in the Buildtober challenge and posting one new build a day for the month of October.
    Join me on Clueless Craft if you wanna test your building skills!

    Toss a coin to your builder?